South Africa – Market Situation

If we take a closer look at the South African market, we will find a flourishing economy. Based on figures from GTAI (economic facts South Africa). Inflation is down and the GPD (327 Bis. US$ in 2018) is still on a rising path. The structure of GDP is changing towards services (68%) and industry (29%).…

Business Location Austria

In the external perception Austria appears as a tranquil Alpine republic with holiday character, flair and high quality of life. But what is actually behind this appearance? For years Austria has been one of the most stable economies with increasing economic growth in European comparison. Due to its central geographical location, the country is considered…

IIC – 20 Years in the market

In 2000 we founded our first company, which we transformed into IIC Innovative International Consulting GmbH in 2001. On this basis we are very proud to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our activities as IIC. We have been able to advise a large number of software manufacturers to be more successful in their national and…

IoT – benefits and risks

Up to now, innovations of IoT and industry 4.0 mainly take place in large corporations. This changes because more and more medium-sized companies will follow the trend towards networking, smart products, cloud computing and digital services. IoT produces and uses a wide range of data which have to be managed and available in real time…

Positive developments on Europe’s ICT market

High expertise in ICT sector Europe’s digital expertise can’t be denied. Due to calculations of Eurostat the number of ICT professionals in Europe rose by nearly 1.5 million to 7.734,4 million between 2011 and 2015 (3,5% of total employment). The Growth of specialists in this business was averaged by 3% from 2006 till 2015, more…

Positive trends in Italy’s ICT market

ICT market is out of the crisis in Italy. Assintel forecasts a 3.1% growth in 2016, mainly due to investments in the Digital Transformation. The whole ICT expenditure will reach 25.474 Million EUR. Although some fragilities of the economy are still present, there are two main reasons for this positive trend: the consumer market is…