End 2016, the CRM market will weigh 6% of the software market in France, € 729 million provides IDC. The three main market players are in order, SAP, Salesforce and Oracle. With an estimated annual growth of 5.7%, is expected to reach 908 million euros in 2020.

Sales CRM on-premise expected to decline by then 5.8% per year on average in favor of SaaS should benefit meanwhile a growth of 13.9%. The Top 3 vendors CRM SaaS is made in the order in Salesforce, Adobe and SmartFocus.

According to the survey conducted by IDC, companies cite as first advantage of the transition to SaaS accelerating the development of new applications, to improve the ability of businesses to innovate and better capabilities to assist IT professions .

Regarding the achievement of cost reduction targets, the balance is positive since 32% of companies believe they have been achieved, 31% say they have been exceeded, and 28% said they were partially met . Only 9% of companies explain that the objectives have not been achieved.

Source: channelnews.fr